Kontron AG reports entry of merger in the registry of companies in Augsburg

Donnerstag 17. August 2017


Augsburg, August 17, 2017 – Kontron: The Court of Registry of Augsburg entered today in the city's registry of companies' listing of Kontron the merger of Kontron AG into S&T Deutschland Holding AG, Ismaning. The entry bears the number HRB 28913. The merger had been resolved by the Annual General Meetings of Kontron AG (held on 19.06.2017) and of S&T Deutschland Holding AG (held on 20.06.2017). Expected to follow during the next few days is the entry of the merger, whose number is to be HRB 227648, in the registry of companies in Munich's listing of S&T Deutschland Holding AG.

The conclusion of the outstandig entry will cause the merger to take effect. It will also lead to the delisting from the stock exchange of Kontron AG, which is the company being merged. Its shareholders will immediately become those of S&T Deutschland Holding AG, which is not publicly listed, and which is to be renamed Kontron S&T AG. Its headquarters are to be in Augsburg.

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About Kontron – An S&T Company

Kontron is a global leader in embedded computing technology (ECT). As a part of technology group S&T, Kontron offers a combined portfolio of secure hardware, middleware and services for Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 applications. With its standard products and tailor-made solutions based on highly reliable state-of-the-art embedded technologies, Kontron provides secure and innovative applications for a variety of industries. As a result, customers benefit from accelerated time-to-market, reduced total cost of ownership, product longevity and the best fully integrated applications overall. For more information, please visit: www.kontron.com

For additional information:

Alexandra Habekost

Head of Investor Relations & Corporate Communications


Tel: +49 (0) 821 4086-114
