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Contract win - Kontron signs contracts with romanian railways

Wednesday, 13th September 2023


Kontron and Thales GTS România S.R.L. signed new contracts in the lower double-digit million range on implementing a new GSM-R system in Romania.

A milestone in the further development of railways in Romania has been set. With this project the rail communications will be expanded. The safety of the commercial traffic will increase on the rail lines “Lugoj - Timisiora East” and “Cluj Napoca-Oradea-Episcopia Bihor”.

The implementation work has already started, and the planned duration is 3 years. Kontron provides its long-term GSM-R experience and reliability, enriched by more than 15 years of lifecycle management in supply and maintenance. “This milestone project will bring lot of benefits to railways and rail passengers in Romania. It shows that GSM-R is still the technology of choice once mission critical networks for railways are deployed these days. While Kontron and the entire industry are starting to look more closely at FRMCS, this is a good demonstration for our comprehensive GSM-R competency” says Bernd Eder, CEO at Kontron Transportation and EVP Transportation at Kontron Group.

“We are happy to contribute to the development of the railways in Romania. With Kontron Transportation we have the right partner on board for the implementation of a state-of-the art railway communication system” says Claudiu-Vasile Seicean, CEO Thales GTS România and President of Romanian Railways Industry Association.

Kontron Group is the market leader in Europe for IoT solutions for high-speed trains and sees enormous growth potential in such infrastructure projects. There is strong political will to increase the share of public transport. For example, the European Union intends to expand high speed rail tracks from 11,000 to 33,000 kilometers. As a result, the “Software + Solutions” segment - just under 20% of revenue today - is expected to grow to become Kontron's largest segment by 2027. In addition to considerable technical expertise, Kontron's solutions require long-term service contracts for the lifetime of the networks and ensure stable revenue over many years.