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Kontron wins a EUR 34 Mio contract for a GSM-R system in the Czech Republic

Wednesday, 13th March 2024


Kontron Transportation, a company of Kontron group won the public procurement for the construction of a GSM-R (Global System for Mobile Communication-Railways) system in the Czech Republic.

The construction extends the existing GSM-R digital radio network operated by the state organization SŽ (Správa železnic) on the line between the city Hranice and the border with the Slovak Republic. This GSM-R system, which provides a wide range of voice and data services required for daily railway operations, is a further step towards modernising the railways in the Czech Republic.

This turnkey project will take about 3 years and the project work will start in March 2024. It consists of various activities and technical solutions mutually connected to each other to achieve the common goal of a smooth running GSM-R network for future ETCS (European train control system) level 2 use. The project activities are supported by proven subcontractors.

“Správa železnic has been a highly valued customer for many years and we are very pleased to contribute to the further modernisation of rail transport in the Czech Republic, increasing safety in rail traffic and bringing comfort for passengers. In this project we will be dealing with site design preparations, radio-frequency engineering, site construction, deployment of 29 base transceiver stations and integration, transmission network and final testing”, says Petr Vitek, CEO of Kontron Transportation s.r.o. subsidiary Praha.