S & T AG expands revenue and earnings growth in the first half of 2014

Tuesday, 5th August 2014


  • Sales increase 5% to EURO 164.8 million (2013: EUR 157.6 million)
  • EBITDA up 23% to EUR 10.0 million (2013: EUR 8.1 million)
  • Prospects: growth is to accelerate in 2015 thanks to “smart energy”

S&T AG (www.snt.at) was able in the second quarter of 2014 to step up its earnings and sales growth. Sales rose 6.1% from 2013's EUR 80.6 million to the second quarter of 2014's EUR 85.6 million. This was accompanied by gross margin's increase from EUR 27.2 million to EUR 28.5 million. 2014's operative costs came to EUR 26.0 million, EUR 0.6 million less than the previous year's EUR 26.6 million. The growth joined with the cut in costs in yielding in the second quarter an EBITDA of EUR 5.2 million (2013: EUR 4.5 million). Consolidated income amounted to EUR 2.5 million, up 19% from 2013's EUR 2.1 million.

Sales rose in the first half of 2014 to EUR 164.8 million (2013: EUR 157.6 million), with EBITDA climbing to EUR 10.0 million (2013: Eur 8.1 million). This caused consolidated income to amount to EUR 4.9 million (2013: EUR 4.1 million). Income per share therefore came to 12 cents, as opposed to 10 cents in the first half of 2013.

Strongest driver of growth was the Appliances segment. The first half of 2014's sales were up 46% to EUR 26.2 million (2013: EUR 18.0 million), with the segment's earnings climbing to EUR 4.0 million (2013: EUR 2.9 million). Even stronger growth is expected in 2015 for the Appliances segment. This will ensue from the fast-growing “smart energy” market, in which S&T has been active since 2014.

Liquid funds came to EUR 32.3 million, as opposed to EUR 42.9 million as of 31.12.2013. The funds were used to reduce short-term bank loans (EUR 4.9 million), to pay dividends amounting to EUR 2.4 million, and to make acquisitions. Notwithstanding a payment of a dividend of 6 cents per share - the first in the company's history - equity rose to EUR 74.1 million as of 30.6.2014, up from EUR 71.2 million as of 31.12.2013. The equity rate thus amounted to 35.9% (31.12.2013: 32.4%). The first half of 2014 registered a cash flow of EUR -0.1 million (2013. EUR -2.8 million).

S&T's management is forecasting that the decline of sales registered by the Products segment will be overcome, and that consolidated income for financial year 2014 will record a 10% rise to at least EUR 375 million. After removing the effects from the previous year's value, consolidated income will outperform the above rise, increasing to more than EUR 12 million. The strongly growing smart energy sector is expected to further step up growth in financial year 2015.