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S&T AG communicates details of vision 2030

Wednesday, 9th December 2020


Technology group S&T (www.snt.at, ISIN AT0000A0E9W5, WKN A0X9EJ, SANT) today held its virtual Capital Market Day 2020 and provided more details of Vision 2030.

In the first part of the presentation, the group's experts were joined by their long-standing industry partners Microsoft and Intel for a presentation of topics including edge computing, artificial intelligence and communications technologies in the field of the IoT as well as the SUSiEtec IoT software framework.

The technology part was followed by presentations of our customers from different markets and countries, that provided excellent insights into the areas in which S&T products are used and how cooperation with S&T works. The medical engineering company Getinge/Maquet, for instance, gave an account of the support it received from S&T in a year in which demand was high. The contributions from Infineon and Hauser focused on their experiences with S&T/Kontron's IoT software. Representatives of NRT (Network Rail Telecoms (UK)) and SNCF (Société nationale des chemins de fer français (FR)) explained the complex requirements of communication with and between trains and highlighted the expertise of S&T in the field of train control and train communications along with the benefits they have reaped from the many years of partnership with S&T.

In the course of a finance update Richard Neuwirth, CFO, spoke about initiatives taken to contribute to a further increase of the net result and cash flow, and confirmed that the group will continue to follow the path towards greater transparency and further reduction in complexity.

Hannes Niederhauser, CEO of the S&T Group, followed by focusing on the pillars of S&T's Vision 2030. S&T is driving digitization developments forward which promise excellent growth potential. With its smart product portfolio S&T is ideally placed and is responding with constant transformation in order to ensure continuing profitable growth. This organic growth is supported by a several times proven strategy of synergetic acquisitions. The concern, which already enjoys an excellent reputation with its customers, aims to raise its brand profile still more in future in order to broaden its investor basis. Hannes Niederhauser: “When I travel to work I see products with S&T/Kontron technology at every turn. Digitization is progressing rapidly and the range of potential products and fields of application is increasing all the time. With our technology and expertise we are ideally equipped to successfully exploit this environment to our advantage and to continue our growth strategy. Completion of our transformation from an IT service provider to a specialist IoT technology concern with more software and SLA contracts means that we will be able to significantly increase our gross and profit margins in the future. And we are also very well on track in the short term: despite the lockdowns in October and November, our business has developed positively and we will exceed our increased guidance for 2020.”

The S&T Capital Market Day was rounded off by a detailed Q&A session which enabled exchanges with investors and analysts. The recording of the Capital Market Day will be available on our website in the next few days at https://ir.snt.at/Capital_Market_Day_2020.en.html.