S&T AG / grosso tec AG intends submitting a partial offer for up to 8.32% of S&T AG shares

Monday, 21st March 2022


Linz (21 March 2022) - Today, 21st March 2022, the Executive Board of S&T AG (www.snt.at) (the "Company") was informed that grosso tec AG, Landshut, Germany (the "Bidder"), intends to submit a partial offer for the purchase of up to 5.5 million bearer shares of S&T AG, which are admitted to the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (ISIN: AT0000A0E9W5; WKN: A0X9EJ), for a price of 15.30 EUR per shares cum dividend in cash. 5.5 million bearer shares represent approx. 8.32% of the share capital of S&T AG.

The Chairman of the Executive Board (CEO) of S&T AG, Dipl.-Ing. Hannes Niederhauser, is shareholder of the Bidder holding 47.5% of the Bidder shares. In addition, grosso holding GmbH also holds 47.5% of the shares in grosso tec AG. Mag. Claudia Badstöber, Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of the Company, is managing director of grosso holding GmbH with sole power of representation.

According to the Bidder's information, the Bidder intends publishing the offer document in due course.